Canadian Doxxer Dumps Personal Data of ~3 Million People
All it takes is one employee to unload a massive data breach. Such was the case in Canada, where a disgruntled employee working at Desjardins Group unloaded the personal files of 2.7 million people and about 173,000 businesses. For whatever reason he was angry at the company and social engineered his own colleagues into giving him access to over 2 million sensitive documents. He gained the trust of his colleagues and then betrayed them all in a shocking twist that goes against all social norms. If you don’t know what doxxing means, the definition is simple – deliberately and intentionally spreading someone’s personal information on the internet. This is exactly what happened at Desjardins.
Even if the former employee is fired or goes to jail, the fact still remains that the data is now out there on the internet. There are criminals reading this news and they are looking for the leaked personal information right now. Canadian or not, you might be at risk for identity fraud. Leaked personal information is not exclusive to one country. In this particular case, this fired employee was arrested. Even so, him spending time in jail won’t help much when it comes to down to it. The information is out there and someone has to clean it up. can help check and see if your personal information is online. If it is, Wiperts can help you remove it and fight back against identity fraud.
Desjardins is the largest federation of credit unions in North America, according to CBC, and the leaked information includes names, addresses, birth dates, social insurance numbers, email addresses and information about transaction habits. Even if you’re not Canadian, you should be aware that personal information leaks are a worldwide problem that every country experiences – no matter how undeveloped or undeveloped. Network security is a problem that criminals seem to be several steps ahead of every year. Don’t be surprised that most people are directly or indirectly affected by identity fraud – just ask around your social circle and find out the truth for yourself.
Fraud has gone international
The internet has facilitated identity fraud to a major degree. A farmer who has only gone to the city a few times might find themselves hoodwinked. They might not even have a computer, but due to no fault of their own, their personal information was stolen from another person’s computer and used in an act of crime.
Everyone has to interact with the government or big company at one point in their life. And what do all governments and companies have in common? That’s right, computers. Even undeveloped countries have access to very basic computers – don’t forget, that computers have been around for several decades and computers that developed countries deem “obsolete” can be quite useful in a country where technology levels aren’t so high. These computers are prime suspects for identity fraud.
Wherever you are, Wiperts can help. The internet is a global marketplace and you can hire to remove your personal information from the web. Trained online specialists find and remove your information from search engines such as Google and social media websites. Wiperts also deals with data brokers – organizations that deal with buying and selling data that they scrape up. Removing your personal information from the web is necessary to prevent identity fraud, especially with so many data breaches occurring around the world.